Whole School Update

Dear Parents / Carers

I hope you and your families are safe and well, enjoyed the half term and the fantastic weather we have been blessed with recently.

I have e mailed year 10 and 12 parents / carers separately regarding the upcoming extension of school opening to include students from those two year groups. We are really looking forward to welcoming more students back into the building and of course we will be following all health, safety and scientific advice. It is quite a logistical challenge working within this guidance! Year 10 will be returning on a gradual basis from the 15th June, year 12 from the 26th June, our daily ‘care provision’ for the children of key workers and those deemed vulnerable is continuing to grow as more people return to work and alongside this staff are setting work for their classes on a daily basis.

By now, your child will have experienced a ‘live remote lesson’ with a member of staff and I hope enjoyed it. Staff have worked incredibly hard to develop new skills and for many teachers, this represents a new way of working for many people and I would like to commend them for their hard work, efforts and professionalism. There will no doubt have been some teething issues but these will be ironed out over the coming weeks, as we all become more familiar with working in this way. I must advise parents and carers that as things stand currently, I’m afraid I cannot see school returning to ‘normal’ in September and there may well be a blended approach to education for a while yet, with children spending some time in school and sometime learning remotely from home. I hope I am wrong but it is important we all try and embrace news ways of working, rather than just waiting and wishing for everything to return to what it was and it remains vital that we role model positivity to our young people during these difficult times.

As always we are here for you should you need us,  please contact your child’s Head of College or care@alsagerschool.org

Best wishes

Richard Middlebrook

Executive Headteacher

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