Key Policies & Statements

On this page you will find a selection of the school policies and statements. These policies have been approved by the Governing Body, which seeks to review and update policies on a rolling programme.

Alsager School is part of The Cornovii Trust.

All other statutory policies including the GDPR Policy, Privacy notices, Whistleblowing policy, Equality policy and Complaints Procedure can be found on The Cornovii Trust website.

Should you require paper copies of any items on the school website, please contact the school office on 01270 871100 or email them at

Alsager School is consulting on its admission arrangements for 2026-27. It is six years since the last consultation and the proposed policy includes change to the order of the oversubscription criteria (section 7).

We are particularly interested in your views on the order of these criteria, as well as the criteria used as the tiebreaker (section 6.7).

The catchment map is included as appendix 1, this map is unchanged from previous policies.

We are not consulting on the sections of the policy which are statutory, or which set out definitions provided to the school by external bodies (sections 1-4).

Please send all responses to Liane Young, Senior Deputy Headteacher, using the email by Tuesday 26th November 2024.

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Contact Alsager School
  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
Contact the Sixth form
  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871122