Learning Support

Welcome to the Learning Support Department. We are situated on the ground floor of the Andrews Building, just look out for the sign above. 

At Alsager school we believe that success is a right for all students, allowing them to become confident young people, living fulfilling lives and making a successful transition to adult life. We work to ensure that all students are included in the life of the school.

We believe that every teacher is a teacher of SEND and has the responsibility to use their best endeavors to meet the needs of learners, through appropriate differentiation, to remove potential barriers to learning and achievement.

At Alsager we have a strong team of experienced and dedicated staff who provide support for students with special educational needs and disabilities. We ensure that these students are supported across the curriculum making certain that they have every opportunity to access, enjoy and progress effectively in their lessons, alongside their peers. Students are supported though a combination of in class support, small group work as well as 1:1 bespoke interventions. In addition, we work with a range of outside agencies to provide the expert help needed by some students. 

The staff in our department actively engage with parents of our students with additional needs and/or disabilities, holding informal engagement events such as coffee mornings throughout the school terms, giving us the opportunity to focus on different areas of need.


TLC hosts a specialist area where students can go to throughout the day. 

We have good relationships with our partner primary schools and we share relevant information to ensure that transition is effective.

For more information about the department, please contact any of the following members of the team:

Mrs Ruth Walker (SENDCo) r.walker@alsagerschool.org

Mrs Arlene Preston – Learning Support Leader – Numeracy & SEMH a.preston@alsagerschool.org

Mrs Judith Barwick – Learning Support Leader – Literacy & examinations j.barwick@alsagerschool.org

All the key documents and policies regarding SEND can be found below:

SEND Policy Documents

Special Educational Needs and/or Disability Document

SEND Information

Appendix to SEND Information

SEND Local Offer

Mr Middlebrook
An Achieving School; A Caring Community” underpins our approach in education.
Alsager School
Mr Middlebrook
An Achieving School; A Caring Community” underpins our approach in education.
Mrs O'Neill
Alsager School is a fantastic community where we foster kindness and respect.
Alsager School
Mrs O'Neill
Alsager School is a fantastic community where we foster kindness and respect.
Alsager School