VE Day 75th Anniversary – Friday 8th May

On Friday 8th May 2020, it will be 75 years since Nazi Germany formally surrendered to the Allies at the end of the Second World War in Europe. This is a special opportunity to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day, a day which marks the end of WWII in Europe 75 years ago. The current government guidance means that a lot of the planned celebrations due to take place on the bank holiday weekend have been cancelled. However, in order to continue the VE Day celebrations at home, our History Department would like to invite students to get creative and design something to pay tribute to the heroes of WWII that sacrificed so much at both home and abroad. 

We would love it if as many as possible take part in the VE Day celebrations by completing one of the activities below:

Design a plaque or memorial to commemorate the sacrifice of those that fought/lost their lives in WWII.

Design your own bunting to celebrate VE Day and to decorate your house with. There is a helpful template for this:…/4TrqYDyf4PMdL…/great-british-bunting

Cook a ration dish to celebrate VE Day, you can find some good recipes here:…/eh-ve-day-at-home-pac…

Bake some cakes to celebrate VE Day – could you serve your own afternoon tea?

Try out a WWII hairstyle, makeup look or design a WWII style outfit – this could be an actual item of clothing or a drawing.

Create a piece of art to celebrate VE Day – a painting, drawing, sculpture or 3D model.

Research the events of VE Day in 1945 and then write a front-page newspaper documenting what happened and its significance.

Could you have a WWII inspired picnic outside to celebrate VE Day?

Listen to a VE Day music playlist or learn a WWII dance e.g. the Lindy Hop.

If you can think of your own creative idea that would also be excellent! It would be great if you could send a picture of your completed activity to school – we would love to see what you have come up with! 🙂

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