Update from Mrs O’Neill

Good afternoon,

I hope that you have all had a good week and have managed to get to grips with the new Corona virus restrictions.  All of our students seem to have a good understanding of ‘hands’ and ‘face’; many are bringing their own hand sanitizer which we fully recommend, and they are compliant in wearing face coverings.  We are supplying face masks when a student does not have one or has lost theirs, but it may be a good idea to bring a spare. An area of the ‘three-word reminder’ that some are struggling with is ‘space’.  Whilst they seem to be really enjoying the additional breaks we have added to the school day, many are seeing it as an opportunity to engage in physical contact.  We would be grateful if you could remind your son/daughter to refrain from any physical contact.  

We appear to be well and truly into autumn now and there has been a significant shift in the temperature.  To maintain ventilation in classrooms, we will be keeping windows and doors open so it may be time for school jumpers and if that is not your child’s preference, then a plain white tee-shirt (or a vest!) underneath the school shirt should suffice to keep them warm.  Staff will monitor the temperatures of the classroom to avoid students requesting to wear coats.  

I would like to thank you all for your continued support and hope that you all have a lovely weekend.

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