Update from Mrs O’Neill

Good morning, 

I hope you have had an enjoyable weekend and were able to make the most of the good weather.  We are now entering the fourth week of the half term and students are working well and coping with new routines.

We are awaiting further information regarding the proposed changes to Lodge Road but we remain concerned about the levels of congestion particularly at the end of the school day.  To aid this, we will allow Year 11 students to leave lessons at 3:00 and they will be asked to exit the site straight away.  

I would like to thank you for your support in regards to testing when a child has Covid symptoms.  In the event of a positive test, please can you contact the email address: positivecoronaviruscase@alsagerschool.org.  This will ensure a swift response and enable us to liaise with PHE.  In the event of us having to take action, we will communicate via Twitter, Facebook and through our website.   A number of schools across Cheshire East have now had positive cases. 

Unfortunately we are not able to have our Open Morning this Saturday.  Instead, we have an online event which will go live at 9:00 on Saturday 26thSeptember. 

A reminder that the presentations for Y8-11 transition can be accessed on our website.

Have a lovely week. 

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” (Albert Camus)

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  • 01270 871100
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  • 01270 871122
  • sixthform@alsagerschool.org