Important Update from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

Dear Parents/Carers,

I do hope that you have had a really good Christmas break and that you enjoy a safe and healthy start to 2021. 

I am writing to let you know where things are up to with the start of the new term and the various arrangements around online learning and the proposed school-based testing programme.   As I am sure you have picked up on the national news it has been a fairly hectic time nationally with the significant upsurge in Covid-19 infections.

Yesterday Gavin Williamson explained how schools are to open over a 2-week period from 4th January 2021 until the 18th January 2021; providing high quality remote learning, face to face learning for key groups and administering mass testing amongst all staff and students.  It is worth noting that this remains provisional and will be reviewed in light of national virus transmission rates.

In order to enable us to properly plan for mass testing and prepare for remote learning for all year groups, Alsager School will have an emergency INSET day on 4th January 2021.  I apologise for the very short notice on the INSET day.  The expectation on all secondary schools requires extensive administration and logistical arrangements to be made at very short notice.  We will be using Monday 4th January 2021 to address these challenges.

Therefore, there will be no students on school site at all on Monday 4th January 2021. Live online lessons will begin for all year groups from 8:40 am on Tuesday 5th January 2021.   

We will ensure that we distribute free school meals for those who are in receipt of them and we will be in contact on Monday morning (4/1/21) to ensure that this process works effectively.

Further details will be shared regarding expectations for remote learning, the return to school for face to face lessons and the roll out of mass testing over the coming days.  All external examinations will take place as planned and further information will be shared accordingly. 

Thank you for your support and patience. I know that this is not an easy time and that the change of arrangements is not ideal.

Mass Testing:

Many parents/carers have expressed an interest in volunteering to support the lateral flow test process.  If you feel that you can commit to supporting this, have had experience in administering lateral flow tests or have any other relevant experience and hold a current DBS, please email me at:

Please provide a brief summary of your experience. You will not be required to physically take swabs of students or staff.

Once I have full details of the programme, I will contact all volunteers. 

As always, thank you for your support through these very difficult times.  It feels like we are at a critical juncture in the pandemic and the next few weeks are likely to be tricky and be a significant test of our patience and fortitude. However, it is really heartening and fantastic news that two vaccines are soon to be in circulation and an end to the misery of Covid-19 is in sight.

I will remain in regular contact to keep you aware of key developments.

With very best wishes for a peaceful and safe new year.

“Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children.” (Sitting Bull)

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