Message from Mrs O’Neill

I hope that you have all had a good week.  We are now two thirds of the way through November and whilst I have yet to have a mince pie or slice of stollen, having just opened the third tub of Cadbury’s Heroes, I already know that I am not looking forward to January.  

Although many of us are managing to function reasonably well during this second lockdown period, I know that there are many who are finding things the second time round particularly hard.  Please do contact school if you feel we can support you.  Sometimes the process of talking to someone really does help. 

I have been asked a lot this week when I think this will all be over.  Last week I pondered whether I put my ‘poppies’ mask away for good or away for next year. 

This week has been particularly busy with Y11 taking their mock exams.  Their behaviour has been impeccable; they should feel really proud of the way they have conducted themselves during this period.  All of the invigilators have commented on how great they have been. Many chose to stay on site this week rather than going home in between exams; such is the draw of school.  I overheard a group of Y11 students who were sauntering across the yard, looking particularly cool (!), expecting them to be discussing football or a new game,  but the topic of conversation was about An Inspector Calls.  Our students are fantastic.  Year 10 have adapted to the new lunchtime arrangements really well, too.  I know they enjoy the freedom that being allowed off site at lunchtime brings but they are managing the change well. 

Our Y7 students recently wrote letters to Downing Street as part of their geography lessons, expressing their concerns for the environment and plastic pollution.  They received a detailed reply outlining plans for a greener future.  This is really promising and so lovely to see that our younger generation have got their priorities right.  

We have had a few colder days this week; the school heating is now fully functional but in keeping with the Covid guidance, windows and doors will remain open to ensure we are properly ventilating indoor space.  The building is warm but if your child is feeling the cold, please encourage them to wear a school jumper or a vest/white tee-shirt beneath their school shirt;  woolly tights and thick socks also work wonders.  Wet breaks can be particularly miserable and whilst we aim to get everyone out of the building where possible, if it is pouring down we keep everyone indoors.  We would love to be able to install huge canopies or even a marquee but unfortunately the Covid budget does not stretch that far.  If there are any parents who have some connections and feel they could help us out, please do get in touch. 

Thank you, as always, for your continued support; the kind messages you send in to our staff are very much appreciated.  Whatever your plans for the weekend, enjoy a lovely break. 

Take care and stay safe. 

“Only the guy who isn’t rowing, has time to rock the boat”. (Jean-Paul Sartre)

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  • 01270 871122