Year 7 Return to School

Due to a change in government guidelines we are pleased to be able to invite year 7 pupils back into school.  Your child will have a one day session with their form where we will deliver a well-being session, work on history, geography and maths.  We will also have a sporting activity in the afternoon, but this will be weather dependent.  All activities will abide by social distancing guidelines and will adhere to Public Health England guidelines.

Your child should arrive at school for 9:30 and assemble on the front yard, outside Hollinshead Hall.  Students should follow social distancing protocols to and from school and should use the normal entry and exit points.  Your child does not need to wear school uniform but should come appropriately dressed in order to be able to participate in a sporting activity.  All students must bring a pen, pencil, ruler, their own drinks bottle and a packed lunch.  The school day will finish at 2:30.  We will send out additional information nearer to the time.  Please see below for when your child will be in school.    

Thursday 2ndJuly7ORo
Friday 3rd July7JTu
Monday 6thJuly7RHa
Tuesday 7thJuly7LTa
Wednesday 8th July7DPe
Thursday 9thJuly7GHa
Friday 10thJuly7JSm
Monday 13thJuly7EMe
Tuesday 14thJuly7RKe
Wednesday 15th July7ASc
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871122