What it is like to be a Sixth Form student

At Alsager School

What it is like to be a Sixth Form student at Alsager School

We are incredibly proud of our Sixth Form Students at Alsager School. When they reach year 12 and join A6 they have become the elders of the school community and they soon adapt to their new position as role models for the younger students in the school.

During their time in A6 students are encouraged to be part of a successful and caring learning community which inspires individuals to meet the challenges of the future and to make a positive contribution to the local community. We are proud to be a broad, inclusive Sixth Form which offers a range of courses to suit students of all aptitudes. Every year 12 and 13 student benefits from a caring and enriching learning environment as our pastoral structure ensures that we get to know students as individuals. Most of our Year 11 students stay on with us and every year they are joined by ambitious, hardworking students from other schools. These students quickly settle in and comment on how friendly, welcoming and supportive our whole school community is. At the end of year 13 students move on to a range of destinations including university and apprenticeships in competitive industries. It is always uplifting to hear from students after they have left A6 and to find out about their life after Alsager. 

Mrs Pole 

Director of Sixth Form

Perhaps the best people to talk about A6 are our students themselves.

“Being a student at A6 totally changed how I am as a person and a student, the demands and the of nature of A levels have encouraged me to work more independently. I soon developed the habit of using my study periods effectively outside the lessons, this is something that will be beneficial for university and later in the workplace. As sixth form students we are also expected to further research beyond the taught content and this only serves to further your passion and enthusiasm for your subject. In a normal day as well as attending lessons in my study periods I work on homework, wider reading and revision. As we are relatively a small sixth form, I know I can have close contact with my teachers who can explain and give me bespoke support with my work. I also know that if I need general advice and support the Sixth Form Team will help guide me through challenges such as job interviews or university. Additionally, I have benefitted from trips to universities, HE fairs and visiting speakers who talk about financial management, gap year opportunities job applications and personal safety to name but a few. 

However, the Sixth Form here at Alsager does not expect you just to study, it also expects you to give back to the school or local community and to invest in your own personal development. There are many ways that you can do this, for example you could help run clubs, help in local primary schools or help students as a peer mentor. Giving back is a key part of the Sixth Form ethos and to that end we are active when it comes to charity fundraising. Annually we hold a Macmillan Coffee morning and a sponsored fancy dress walk as well as individual charity events organized by each form. Additionally, you can apply to become a part of the Student Leadership Team and have a key voice in decisions and Sixth Form life as well as developing your self confidence and leadership skills. There is so much on offer to support you and to enable you to develop as a person.”

“My experience as a sixth former was inspiring and absolutely brilliant. Teachers go out of their way and spend time with you to ensure you are reaching your full potential. This is above and beyond anything I could ever ask for from a Sixth Form. From support with UCAS forms and work to support with mental health and well-being the Sixth Form Team are there to ensure that each individual is happy and content.”

“Being able to organise events such as carol singing at a local old people home has not only helped my interpersonal skills but also impacted on the culture of the Sixth Form and relations with the local community.”

“For me, getting the best out of being in the Sixth Form has been about taking advantage of the opportunities on offer such as the UCAS fair and talks about issues such as finance which inevitably help us to plan our future.”

“Sixth Form studies have enabled me to study subjects in a much greater depth whilst also developing the skills that I need for university.”

My two years in the Sixth form have really helped me to develop my self-confidence. I have become more independent and organised and have even taken up a leadership role. However, when I do need help, I know that there are always people in the Sixth Form Office to support me.

If you would like to find out more about our Sixth Form visit Alsager Sixth Form

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Contact the Sixth form
  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871122
  • sixthform@alsagerschool.org