Weekly message from Mrs O’Neill

Good afternoon,

We have experienced some lovely autumnal weather this week.  The crisp mornings have made a welcome change from the downpours that we have been experiencing.  

I want to continue to offer my reassurance to you all that in the event of a member of our school testing positive for Covid 19, we will always put the safety of everyone here at Alsager School and our extended community first.  I will share the appropriate information with the relevant people.  Each case is different and requires a different response.  In my most recent email to students I shared a quote I had been sent a few weeks ago: “Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” (Abraham Lincoln).  I urge you to rely on the information that the school sends out rather than relying on rumours that circulate on Facebook.   We liaise with Public Health England regularly and follow all Government guidance.  This is certainly a part of our job at the moment that is unfortunately becoming all-consuming and again, I would ask for your understanding when we are not able to engage in constant communication with individuals.  We share everything that we know and that students, parents and carers need to know.  

As part of the Tier 2 restrictions now in place across Cheshire East it is now compulsory for all people aged 11+ to wear face coverings in all indoor communal areas (not classrooms), unless exempt for medical reasons.  They are allowed to move/remove the masks whilst eating and drinking.  Our students have been really good at wearing their masks and I don’t envisage this being problematic.

I have worked very closely with PHE and Cheshire East this week and I want to assure you that they have said the procedures that we have in place in school are effective.  Whilst this provides reassurance, we know that Cheshire East is on high alert; Covid 19 is clearly in the community and I will do everything necessary, working with PHE, to help reduce the risk to our community.   

On a slightly lighter note, it is not only schools affected by Covid 19.  Nestle have been forced to apologise for the lack of chocolate caramel brownies in Quality Street.  The lockdown meant that some of its workers were either shielding or at home looking after children.  What a pity it didn’t affect coffee creams. 

It has been great to welcome our new members of the Student Leadership Team.  I am sure that they will embrace the challenge ahead and offer support for all of our students.  

As we are nearing the end of the first half term, it has been wonderful to see how quickly our Y7 students have settled; how resilient all of the students have been in adapting to the changes and how they have embraced their learning.  A Y7 raced across to me one breaktime this week and asked me how long it was to the half term holidays.  I was able to tell her exactly how long (!) and enquired: “Are you looking forward to it?” Her reply: “Oh no, not at all.  I much prefer school”.  At which point her friend also chipped in with the same remark.  Amongst all the confusion surrounding us at the moment, it is reassuring to know that we are doing something right.  

Enjoy the weekend and as always, thank you very much for your ongoing support.  It is very much appreciated. 

“Happiness is the new rich.  Inner peace is the new success.  Health is the new wealth.  Kindness is the new cool.” (Syed Balkhi)

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