Message from Mrs O’Neill

“And when peace comes, remember it will be for us, the children of today, to make the world of tomorrow a better and happier place.”

It is with great sadness that Buckingham Palace announced yesterday the death of Her Majesty The Queen. Whilst we have now entered a period of national mourning, school will remain open as usual.  I will share with you any changes that may occur over the next week once details have been finalised. 

It was lovely to see so many parents and carers at our transition evenings this week and lovely to be back in person.  The presentations can now be accessed on our website.  The Alsager School Strategy Statement will be available on our website from Monday. At our transition evenings I stressed the importance of parents and carers working with the school to ensure the best possible outcomes for our children.  Children thrive when they have routine, structure and the boundaries are clear.  We set high standards and expectations; we have rules and expect everyone to follow them and for parents and carers to support them.

Our new Y7 pupils have settled very well. Having summer school really helps with the transition and they have found their way around school with only a few getting lost.  It is a very big site.  It has been lovely to see so many of our ex Y11 return to our sixth form.  They look very grown up and are enjoying their independence and getting a latte at break from the sixth form café!

Our new conduct cards have been well received and many of our students have had signatures for acts of kindness.  I am always grateful when older students are available to take our ‘lost’ Y7 to the hard-to-reach classrooms! 

I would like to thank everyone who has written to me this week, thanking staff for their efforts in getting their child ‘over the GCSE or A level line’.  We have had some lovely words from parents whose children have all now left Alsager School and have begun the next stage of their educational journey.  Our results this year were fantastic and testament to the hard work of our students and staff. 

I am sure you are all looking forward to the weekend.  Getting back into the school routine is a shock to the system.  Whatever your plans, I hope you all manage to rest and recharge your batteries.

“And when peace comes, remember it will be for us, the children of today, to make the world of tomorrow a better and happier place.”

(Queen Elizabeth II as a 14-year-old Princess during a radio broadcast, 13 October 1940)

May she rest in peace.

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  • 01270 871100