English and Media

English Language 

The best way for your child to revise for English Language is to work through sample papers and to practice completing the questions. There are a number of sample questions available on the Year 11 English Teams area. Your child has been shown how to access this in their English class.


Both papers have a reading and writing section to them. 

For paper 1, students are asked to write either a story or description based on an image or statement. Using random images and asking your child to write a description or narrative based on this will help them to get used to planning for their writing question. 


For paper 2, students are asked to write a persuasive speech, article, essay or text for a leaflet. There are a number of different question prompts that can be found online that would help with revision. 


Sample papers can be found below:


English Literature 

Your child has studied the following texts for English Literature and will need to be able to recall a number of quotations from the texts, as well as knowing the plot and about the development of characters:

  • The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
  • Macbeth
  • An Inspector Calls
  • AQA’s Power and Conflict Poetry Cluster (15 poems)


Each week, over the next four weeks, your child will be given a set of quotations to revise at home and in form time. The quotations are included in a file below so that you can help your child with their recall. 


There are lots of revision materials to help with each of the texts, including plot summaries, quotation sheets and example questions on the Teams Year 11 area under English Literature. 


Students can also make use of GCSEPod https://www.gcsepod.com/

Seneca https://senecalearning.com/en-GB/

Quizlet https://quizlet.com/gb

BBC Bitesize https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zckw2hv

 – all of these sites have tasks that are linked back to the texts that your child has studied. 


Students are also expected to answer two questions on ‘Unseen Poetry’, where they should be able to show their understanding of a poem and analytical skills. Students can practise this by taking their favourite poem or song lyrics and analysing the language and structure that contributes to meaning.  

Media Studies​

For the Media studies exam, students will need to revise the Close Study Products that they have been looking at in class. Students have access to all of their lessons and lesson notes on Teams and should use this as a starting point for their revision. https://www.kenstimpson.org.uk/sites/default/files/files/2024_gcse_media_studies_close_study_products_booklet_v1.0_1_1.pdf

BBC Bitesize has information on other areas of Media studies that is needed for the exam, including representations, audiences and key media language. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/ztnygk7

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Alsager School is a fantastic community where we foster kindness and respect.
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