As we come to the end of another busy term, I’d like to thank you all for your continued support.
Year 11 and Y13 are currently preparing for exam season. Key information will be shared with Y11 parents/carers next week to help you support your child over the Easter period. Staff are also offering additional sessions over the Easter holidays. Please do encourage your child to come along to them. Some may be by invitation only but there are many open to all students who are in need of additional support. There is an opportunity for Y11 parents/carers to come into school on Tuesday 26th March when the curriculum leaders for MFL and English will be giving a presentation. Please do come along. It starts at 5:30-6:00pm, with refreshments available at 5:15 in PE3.
The school show ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ which has been on this week, was absolutely amazing. A big well done to all cast members and to the staff for their hard work. I am always blown away at the talent that we have in our school and in awe of the confidence they have to be able to perform. It is testament to how great our productions are that many of you came to all three shows and former students returned from university to come and see it. This is what adds to our fantastic community. A big thank you to all parents who have emailed in to share your appreciation. Successful productions always rely on good quality sound and lighting. Our microphones, in particular, do need to be updated but as you will all be aware, school budgets are very tight. If you are in a position to make a donation to our ‘Parents in Partnership’ school fund, it would help immensely in supporting the Arts and other enriching areas of school life. Please use the QR code below to take you directly to the appropriate page on our website or follow this Parents in Partnership Link.

There has quite rightly been a lot in the media recently about the dangers of social media for children. The mother of Brianna Ghey is campaigning for tech companies to have a responsibility to restrict access to harmful content online. As adults we should also be role modelling good practice. We mentioned the Online Safety Bill in our safeguarding newsletter which we sent out last week. A reminder to email this address to acknowledge that you have read the newsletter and enter a draw to win a £10 Costa voucher:
A gentle reminder to avoid using the school carpark during the morning drop off and afternoon pick up. Where possible, please arrange with your child to meet at a side street away from the school or drop them off safely along Hassall Road so that they can walk into school. I have seen many parents drop off near to the park opposite College Road, which is really helpful as it avoids congestion and is a safer place to stop. The layout of the school carpark and the shared use with the leisure centre makes it difficult to impose a ‘no vehicle movement’ policy during these times and whilst we are looking for ways to make it safer for pupils, I do urge you to seek an alternative to help keep our children safe.
It has been lovely catching up with parents and carers at the school show. Next week we are hosting our ‘Tea, Toast and Talk’ on Wednesday 27th March at 8:00-9:15am. Please do come along, even just to catch up with your own friends and grab a coffee and teacake. Members of the senior leadership team, pastoral team and SEN department will be available to talk to.
Thank you to all parents/carers who have been fully supportive of our push to improve punctuality and attendance. We are seeing far fewer pupils arriving late and attendance figures are on the up. Next week we will have a further push on attendance as we move into the last week of the term. We will have a draw every day in form time for those who are in school, culminating in a big draw on Thursday, with the chance to win a £10 Costa voucher and a £20 Amazon voucher, donated by the Cornovii Trust.
Good luck to all of our pupils involved in the Duke of Edinburgh expeditions at the weekend. So many of our students get involved in a wide range of activities outside of school. Last weekend a number of pupils took part in a 40 mile walk with their scout group in aid of JDRF, a diabetes charity. What an amazing thing to be part of. Please do let me know of your child’s achievements away from school. Teenagers are often reluctant to share their successes.
With the premier league on a break, some of you may have a few weekends to engage with the lower leagues where things are definitely hotting up. It is a nail-biting end to the season for all local teams for differing reasons, but for those of us at Gresty Road we are certainly hoping to finish in the top 3 for automatic promotion.
As always, thank you for your continued support and whatever your plans, have an enjoyable weekend.