Message from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

It has been very warm around school today but I hope you have all been able to make the most of the sunny day.

Thank you to all parents and carers who contributed to our questionnaire about what makes Alsager School outstanding and what we want for our children at Alsager School.  The questionnaire was also given to all staff, students and governors and we have used all responses to form our vision statement.  I am pleased to be able to share this with you:

Our Vision: to create an inclusive environment where all are empowered to thrive, hold themselves accountable and achieve. Our ethos of kindness is lived and not just talked.

I am a firm believer that when all of the adults in a child’s life work together we can empower them to get the best out of the opportunities they have.  Alsager School is an outstanding school as a result of this commitment. 

If you are not happy with something or the message taken home from your child doesn’t quite fit with our ethos, please contact the school so that we can work together to deal with the problem in a rational and effective way.  We don’t always get things right and we hold our hands up when we make mistakes.  As the adults (and former pupils ourselves!) we must remember that the version we hear at home has come from a child’s perspective and may differ from what has gone on or why the sanction has been given.  

Our motto ‘An Achieving School, A Caring Community has not changed.  It encompasses what we are here to do.  We have however, used key words that appeared in our questionnaires to determine what an achieving school and a caring community looks like.  Mr Harbour has kindly adapted our graphic.

Over the past few weeks, I have had some fantastic conversations with our students but none more illuminating than when I spoke to some students from Y10.  When I asked them if they had done anything exciting over the holidays, one replied that he had just finished laying the floor to his gym, completed the plastering and just had the tv bracket to fix to the wall.  When I discussed how difficult plastering is (I have not had any first-hand experience) another student told me how much she enjoyed plastering, too.  I absolutely love to hear these stories, they are so unexpected, so please do share with me any DIY jobs that your child has been involved with. 

We have spent a lot of time this academic year reviewing and improving our curriculum offer.  We have worked on a ‘connected curriculum’ where students link what they do in different subjects. For example, when studying Shakespeare they can draw on their knowledge of the English Reformation from history lessons or when studying textiles and geography, they can link the impact of the fashion industry on the environment, specifically the growth of cotton in the Eastern world and how we can reduce our carbon footprint by considering a garment’s life cycle.

Our Y11 and Y13 students are almost over the exam finish line.  They have been fantastic and should feel really proud of themselves.  In 10 days’ time they will all be finished and can enjoy some rest and relaxation.  I am sure as parents and carers you will also be relieved when the exam period is over. 

The rest of the school has SPIRIT week to look forward to.  Year 10 are preparing themselves for the world of work and Y12 are looking at life post 18.  These are exciting times.

A gentle reminder from our canteen staff to ‘top up the finger’.  Twisters and Feasts are popular at this time of year!

I imagine many of you will be at the carnival tomorrow; whatever your plans, have a lovely weekend and as always, thank you for your continued support. 

“It was June, and the world smelled of roses.  The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside.” (Maud Hart Lovelace)

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