Message from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

Good afternoon,

It was so nice to see such a huge turnout of our own students last Saturday at the open morning.  There are not many schools where students volunteer to help out at a weekend and it was lovely to hear live music being played by our musicians. The feedback from parents and carers about our students was so positive, remarking on how respectful and kind they all are. We all felt great pride in our school.  Last week I delivered an assembly to all students in Y7-10 on kindness and the benefits we all gain from being considerate and thoughtful to others.  The impact of being able to share our values in assemblies cannot be underestimated; I have seen and heard many of our students this week being really helpful, kind and polite with their peers and staff.   There are many benefits to being kind but perhaps the one that is most useful to us as parents and carers of teenagers is that being kind slows the ageing process.  Research has found that oxytocin released when we are kind can reduce levels of free radicals and inflammation (two main culprits of ageing) in our cardiovascular system, which slows ageing at the source.  If we add that to our health and fitness regime we can stay forever 21!

I am looking forward to our sixth form open evening on Thursday 7th October, starting at 6pm.  All of our Y11 students have received information about it; if you would like to know more, access our website or contact the sixth form team directly.  Due to an increase of Covid cases in our area, advice from Cheshire East and PHE is for all visitors to wear face masks.  We will have them available on the evening, but it is not compulsory to wear a mask. 

On Wednesday 6th October we will host the Y7 settling in evening.  Appointments should have been made for this.  We have asked that only one parent/carer attends.  We are able to set up the tables with a sufficient distance between staff member and parent/carer so we are not making wearing a mask a pre requisite, but if you wish to wear a mask, please do.  Again, we will provide masks, should you require one.

We have seen a rise in Covid cases across the school, so I would encourage everyone to continue with regular testing at home.  The new nasal tests are far easier to use than the ones which involve locating tonsils.  I am sure that we have all appreciated being able to get back to a sense of normality, but we must still be vigilant and implement precautionary measures wherever possible to reduce the risk of transmission. 

More cases has meant that more students are having to revert back to remote learning.  Updated information on expectations and our remote learning provision can be found on our website.  If you have any subject specific concerns, please contact your child’s subject teacher directly.  For more general concerns regarding remote learning, please contact Mr Pearce (

We have had our fair share of rain this week.  Let’s hope the weekend brings some nicer, crisp autumnal weather.  As always, thank you for your continued support.  Have a lovely weekend.

“Wild is the music of the autumnal winds amongst the faded trees.” (William Wordsworth)

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  • 01270 871100
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871122