Message from Mrs O’Neill

Good morning, 

I hope that you all managed to have a restful half term.  The number of Covid 19 cases across Alsager is surprisingly high and therefore the announcement of a national lockdown should not have been a surprise.  I have everything crossed that we can fair a little better this half term.  We have made changes to lunchtime arrangements for Y10-13 so that we can be compliant with the national lockdown.  I am extremely relieved that schools are remaining open.  Our students are thriving in school; it really is the best environment for them to learn but it is also important to note that no environment is risk free.  We will continue to do everything possible to reduce risk.  The Government has released new guidance for schools during the national lockdown period.   It states that extra-curricular activities should not take place but there remains some ambiguity around what constitutes extra-curricular.  We will be reducing the number of activities that take place beyond the school day, in line with the guidance.  SEN provision for homework is still available for pupils who already access it and any SEN provision that takes place before or after school will continue as normal.   Many of our staff want to continue with additional sessions, in true Alsager style,  but it is important to highlight that we are in a period of national lockdown and we must endeavour to be compliant and play our part in reducing transmission.  If your child has been informed about any additional sessions and you are unsure whether it is going ahead, please contact the relevant member of staff.  Staff will also clarify the situation with students.  For example, the after school preparation for the upcoming drama exam will still go ahead and I am aware that some students in Y11 have revision sessions scheduled, which will also go ahead.   Staff may also opt to deliver some sessions via Teams.  

November is always a ‘long’ month and I am sure that this year it will feel even longer.  There are a few things to look forward to this weekend: the first round of the FA cup, the ALDI Christmas advert has been released so not only do we have to hope that Covid 19 has gone by Christmas but that Kevin can make it home and who knows, perhaps by Monday we will know who the next President of the USA will be.

As always, thank you for your continued support; take care and stay safe.

“We choose hope over fear.  We see the future not as something out of our control, but as something we can shape for the better through concerted and collective effort.”

(Barack Obama)

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