Message from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

This has certainly been a busy week and a hectic start to the new term.  Having spent time rightly focusing on the transition to some semblance of normality post Covid restrictions we were not anticipating a visit from Ofsted.  Our staff and students have coped admirably with the return in September.  All of our staff have a full commitment to our school; they are proud to work here and provide outstanding opportunities and our students reap the benefits from this.  

During the inspection, the students showed the exemplary behaviour they exhibit all the time and the inspectors were really impressed by their conduct.  In lessons the students displayed the commitment to learning that we see on a daily basis; they should feel proud of themselves this week.  Once the inspector has finalised her report, this will be shared.

The extra-curricular programme is fully underway; many of the clubs that we had previously are resuming such as vocal group and orchestra and we have a number of new ones such as the Lego Club.  It is an exciting time.  Please do encourage your child to participate in as many clubs as possible.  There are details in student planners and also on our website.

We have a number of key events on the horizon.  On Wednesday 22nd September at 7pm we celebrate subject and College successes at our Achievement Evening.  Invitations have already been sent out.  We are all looking forward to our open morning on Saturday 25th September 9:30-12:30; we love any opportunity to showcase our school and students.  School tours will be open for booking following the open morning.

Amidst the mayhem of the week and all of the questions I have been asked, the best one was from a Y7 pupil, “Miss, have I got time for a second piece of pizza?”.  The answer is always “yes”.

Thank you to all parents/carers for your kind messages of support this week.  They are very much appreciated. 

Have a lovely weekend. 

“Be kinder to yourself.  And then let your kindness flood the world.” (Pema Choedroen)

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  • 01270 871122