Message from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

We have come to the end of an exciting week, having had sports days for years 7-9.  The week did not start off well with us having to postpone the Year 10 session, but we have been able to move it to another day.  The timings of the school day changed this week in order to facilitate the sports day.  We reverted back to our pre-Covid times so although it may have seemed counter-intuitive to have students passing each other on the corridor between lessons, corridors were staffed to avoid congestion; children passed others quickly; we have fewer year groups in school and all students wore face masks.  It has been nice to have quick exchanges with students as we pass in the corridor with a glimmer of getting back to some form of normality.  I have to say that most conversations have been rooted around whether “football is really coming home”.  This is the first time that year 7 have been exposed to our normal routine and they have coped really well with this.  In September we are aiming to implement our previous timings, so we will continue with this pattern for the remainder of the school year.  All students will still be in their zones at break and lunch. 

We have appointed new members of the sixth form leadership team this week. Mrs Pole, Director of Sixth Form is really excited about working with her new team next year. 

Please do keep sharing your child’s successes away from school.  It is a such a pleasure to speak to them about their achievements and I am always in awe at what they do. 

Following a key headline in the news today about a lorry driver shortage threatening delivery of Haribos into the UK, I feel I may have to spend the weekend stocking up on Tangfastics and Goldbears.  I’m not sure how I’ll cope without them.  Whatever your plans are for the weekend, have an enjoyable break and thank you, as always, for your continued support.

“Every act of kindness is potent and lingers long in the heart of the recipient.” (Gary Lineker)

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  • 01270 871100
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  • 01270 871122