Home Learning

Lessons for ‘Strike Day’ March 16th.

Please find lessons below for March 16th:

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At Alsager School we see Home Learning as an opportunity to develop skills to become more independent and to continue learning outside the classroom. Home Learning is set on a regular basis and this will vary by subject and key stage. 

Fortnightly homework will be set for all lessons.

Home Learning will be set as:

  • learning
  • research
  • completing work/ writing up work
  • reading ahead
  • revision

Home Learning for Years 7 and 8

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KS4 Home Learning

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English – Bedrock

Bedrock Vocabulary introduces students to high frequency words for mature language users, and in turn helps to develop literacy and comprehension skills. By regularly using Bedrock Vocabulary, our students are simultaneously improving their reading and writing skills, allowing them to progress further in not only their English lessons, but other subjects in the national curriculum too.
Each student in year 7 to 9 will have been set Bedrock homework by their English teacher, with classes being set different quantities of lessons to complete each week. Students have log in details stuck into the front of their planner and can access the app using the link below: https://app.bedrocklearning.org/

In addition please see the parents guide to using Bedrock information document.

How To Prepare For Home Learning

  1. Create a space in the house to work in; this can be as simple as at the kitchen table, or in a bedroom.
  2. Set a routine: e.g. the same time every day, check organiser, get a drink and a snack, sit down and work through HL tasks.
  3. Equipment is available: pens, pencils, ruler, highlighters, paper, calculator, exercise books, text books etc.
  4. Noise and distractions are kept to a minimum; phones are switched off/ in a different room, TV is off.
  5. Check the organiser and sign it each week. Your child’s form tutor will check it regularly and this is the first place of contact between home and School.
  6. Give your child confidence in the tasks that they are doing.
  7. Discuss the Home Learning tasks, look at the feedback from subject teachers on how to improve.
  8. Time Management; if your child has a lot of HL in a given week, help them to set aside time to meet deadlines.
  9. Take your child to museums/ places of interest/ theatre productions/ exhibitions/ sporting events etc.
  10. Watch TV together where there is an area of interest; such as documentaries and discuss the topics.

Task What your child does How to help
Learning Remembering certain facts, spellings, key words, details, rules, formulae, procedures, vocabulary. ·      Create key cards to aid revision.   ·      Ask your child to recall the information. ·      Condense the information down to items which they are finding more difficult to remember.
  Research Looking for information on a given subject, using websites, books to help. ·      Encourage your child to go to the LRC to look for books to help.   ·      Look at the websites that they are using to get their information from; are they credible websites providing relevant, balanced information? ·      Discuss what they have learnt/ understood from their research and encourage your child to summarise information. ·      Ensure that chunks of information has not been copied and pasted into their work.
Completing/ Writing up Your child will use HL time to write about work done in class/ complete work started in class or write a finished version of rough work started in school. ·      Ask your child to explain to you what they are doing. Do they have a clear understanding of what they should be doing?   ·      Look at the whole piece and make suggestions. ·      Check grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Questions Completing answers to questions that were set after a topic in a lesson. ·      Check the answers. Do they give the exact information required?   ·      Have all the questions been answered? ·      Where required have the questions been answered in full sentences? ·      Check spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Reading ahead Reading ahead in a book/ on the internet to get some ideas for what is coming up next/ to discuss their findings. ·      Be aware of the topics that they are studying and show an interest.   ·      Ask them questions about what they have read to develop their thinking. ·      Check their ideas.
Revision Learning a section of work for an assessment/ test or exam. ·      Encourage your child to explain what they are learning.   ·      When they are comfortable with what they are learning ask them questions, based on their revision. ·      Suggest making revision notes and help them to condense the notes down to the parts that they find the most difficult.

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  • 01270 871100
  • admin@alsagerschool.org
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
  • sixthform@alsagerschool.org