
What is bullying?

Bullying is any behaviour, which is deliberately intended to hurt, threaten or frighten another person or group of people. It is repeated and usually unprovoked and can continue for a prolonged period of time. It always reflects an imbalance and abuse of power. It is important that it must not be confused with the usual childhood/teenage squabbles and arguments where individuals “fall out” with one another.

Bullying can take many forms.  It may be face to face or online.  The Anti-Bullying Policy lists types of bullying.  Sometimes peer conflict (falling out with people in your year or friendship group) can be reported as bullying.

What is the difference between peer conflict and bullying?

Peer conflict usually involves a balance of power (two people fall out), it is occasional, and pupils may be sorry this occurred, or it may have happened accidentally.  Bullying is deliberately intended to hurt, it is repeated, involves an imbalance of power and those involved are not sorry for what is happening.

What should I do if I think I am/someone is being bullied?

Speak to someone you trust, your Form Tutor, Head of College, any teacher and tell your parents or carers.  If this is happening in school, you should report it in school.

How should I report bullying?

You can tell a member of staff and they will ask you to make a statement in College Office.  If you would prefer to report this anonymously, you can use the SHARP system



What happens next?

Alsager School takes allegations of bullying seriously. Your Head of College or a member of the Senior Leadership Team will investigate the allegation.  You will be offered support, and we will put things in place to keep you safe while we investigate. 

What happens if this is found to be bullying?

Alsager School does not tolerate bullying.  We will respond proportionately.  If sanctions are necessary, they will be applied fairly and consistently.  We will also seek to restore relationships and to work with anyone found to be exhibiting bullying behaviours to help them to avoid this in future.

As a parent/carer what can I do if I think my child is being bullied?

Please contact your child’s Head of College.

You may find the information on the Anti-Bullying Alliance helpful

The Ant-bullying Alliance is an excellent source of further information

Anti-bullying news!

Alsager School is a member of the Anti-Bullying Alliance and is proud to have been awarded the Bronze Award in 2023.  We are now working towards silver.

Anti-bullying Award
Odd Socks Day 2023

Anti-Bullying Policy 


Pupil Friendly Anti Bullying Policy

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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871122